
Star Wars Gladiator Star Destroyer

Originally made as an companion for bigger Superstar Destroyers, the smaller Gladiator-class Celebrity Destroyer demonstrated most efficient as a Iong-range patrol mail deployed to the fringés of the universe. The Gladiator-class Celebrity Destroyer Expansion Group for Star Wars: Armada presents one detailed and pre-painted miniature that you can add to your Imperial fast. You'll furthermore find all the control dials and tokens that you require to provide your Superstar Destroyer to fight, along with ten upgrade credit cards that can enhance its episodes, allow it to move between attacks, and enhance its accuracy.Type: Labels:.

  1. Star Destroyer Legends
  2. Star Wars Super Star Destroyer

Star Destroyer Legends

The lost world jurassic park cheats. Influx 1 Extension PackOriginally designed as an escort for bigger Celebrity Destroyers, the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer will be most effective as a patrol vessel at the fringés of the galaxy.

Star Wars Super Star Destroyer

' The Gladiator-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack for Star Wars: Armada introduces one detailed and pre-painted miniature that the expansion’s two ship cards allow you to add to your fleet as either a Gladiator I or Gladiator II. The Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer was the first sub-class of the Gladiator-class line of Star Destroyers used by the Galactic Empire after the Clone Wars and during the Galactic Civil War. It was succeeded by the Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer. Sources Star Wars: Armada – Gladiator-class.